Tiny Shop Grocer

A small, brick and mortar, zero-waste dry goods service needed a refresh with it’s web presence and a more pleasant experience for it’s users to order online and eventually in-store kiosks.

Tiny Shop Grocer

The owner requested an overhaul of the UX design, the site was not created with design thinking from the start.  There is no strong visual hierarchy. It was also quickly apparent and confirmed by the owner the ordering system needed updating - it was one, long, alphabetical list of items that a user would need to scroll through, rendering it difficult to use.  


I went into the project understanding the UI needed some tweaking with a cleaner look. The owner of the shop is less worried about branding at this point and more interested in the visual functionality and easier future iterations.


Existing Site

click images to enlarge


Here is the draft that I came up with. It balances a more subdued color scheme with a much friendlier font. I designed it to look closer to a POS system for a grocery store or small cafe, which gave it a very user friendly interface while keeping the product at the forefront of the design. Gone are the too warm colors and lack of knowing where you were at any given point by adding a top navigation and a search right at the top. Adding the cart on the right allows to user to see at all times what they have in it. Overall it’s a great visual improvement and steps in the right direction of simplifying the entire site.